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While senior designer of an in-house art department, I contributed to HowStuffWorks Express—an educational magazine distributed in classrooms (fifth through eighth grade) across the country.

For a feature article on detectives, I proposed a "case-in-progress" concept which led to me fingerprinting a coworker and styling "evidence"—the resulting spreads are seen at right.

Each issue began with an "autopsy"—the disassembling of something and explanation of how it worked. I was responsible for the layout of these pages as well as for photographing their respective objects (Super Soaker, hair dryer, mini bike, etc…) in various states of dissection.

Other assigned layouts include a cinematic myth-buster with experimental typography and "Extraordinary Person: Gregory Smith." For this story, my design was careful not to spoil the reveal that the interviewee—a Nobel Prize nominee—was only ten years old…whoops.
hsw express1

hsw express2
feature story on detective work

hsw express3

hsw express5 hsw express greg
sample spreads

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